Time To Say Goodbye?

At the end of winter 2009, I had several dreams about Simone getting sick and dying.  A few months later, she definitely was sick and shortly thereafter got diagnosed with chronic renal failure.  After starting treatment, she came back strong and beat that disease.  Now I think it's old age that has gotten the best of her and there's no beating life's alarm clock.

Last Friday, the news was terrible.  She had lost another pound; her weight was down to 3 lbs 1 oz.  In her youth, Simone was a 7 lb cat, so in just a few months she was down 40% from a healthy weight.  The assisted feeding program was not working.  Her energy was waning.  On Saturday, she had trouble staying on her feet ... wavering, rocking, swaying unsteady as she walked.  Amazingly, she remained alert, still walked around, followed me from room to room, but it became blatantly clear that her quality of life was ebbing away.  She had become incontinent; her physical decline was accompanied by a mental decline.  Simone was letting go very slowly.  As a last ditch effort, I gave her a homeopathic appetite enhancer, but it's probably too late for that.

Tomorrow is a decision day for the last refrain of Simone's journey.  Purr on cat lovers!

"One measure of a good life is the companionship of a devoted cat."  (Mel Weinstein)   


  1. Oh Mel, I'm so sorry. You are right though.... every living thing has their time to go and it just may be Simone's time. My heart goes out to you both....

  2. Mel, how are you doing? I've been thinking of you and Simone....

  3. Just went through all this too....The final moments with the vet were not good....he made my kitty suffer....i tried to keep her peaceful night before and up to last moment...I have a terrible picture in my mind...(workin on a better memory).
    Di from Tanyas CRF site
